Project Management (PM)
About The Training
This training course is split in two modules:
MODULE I – Project Risk Management & Compliance
MODULE II – Portfolio Project Management Professional
Each modules is structured and can be taken as a stand-alone training course; however, delegates with will maximise their benefits by taking Module 1 and 2 back-to-back as a 2-week training course.
Course Outline
Module 1: Project Risk Management & Compliance
Day One: Risk Management Framework and Planning
Key Definitions
The PMBOK® Six Risk Management Processes
Purpose & Benefits of Risk
Responsibilities in Project Risk Management
Integrating Risk Management into the Project Management Process
Risk Management Planning
Risk Planning Process
Day Two: Risk Identification Process
The Effect of Project Macro-Environment on Risk
The Effect of Project Complexity on Risk
Risk Identification Techniques
Managing Risk through Project Estimating
Managing Risk through Earned Value Management
Schedule Risk Management – Critical Path Method & PERT
Day Three: Risk Assessment Process
Qualitative Risk Analysis
Bow-Tie Risk Analysis Technique
Probability/Impact Risk Matrix Technique
Quantitative Risk Analysis
Monte Carlo Simulation
Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value
Managing Project Risks through Integrity Assurance
Day Four: Risk Response Plan Development
Risk Prioritisation
Risk Response Strategy Guidelines
Response Strategies for Threats & Opportunities
Response Planning & Analysis
Alternative Responses
Contingency & Management Risk Reserves
Day Five: Risk Response Control
Resource Management
Risk Control Guidelines
Risk Control Inputs
Risk Control Tools & Techniques
Risk Control Outputs
Risk Reporting & Documenting
Course Summation & Work Session Review
Module 2: Portfolio Project Management Professional
Day Six: Introduction to Portfolio and Portfolio Management
Key Definitions of Portfolio and Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management Model
Relationship between the Principles, Cycles, Practices and Relevant Techniques
Differences between Portfolios, Programmes and Projects
Differences between Portfolio, Programme and Project Management
Objectives and Benefits of Portfolio Management
Portfolio Selection & Implementation
The Need for A Portfolio Approach to Investment
The Approaches to Implementing Relevant Portfolio Management
Benefits of Assessing The Impact of Portfolio Management
Factors Required to Sustain Progress
Approaches to Assessing Portfolio Management Maturity
Day Seven: Strategic and Organisation Context
Six Key Functions / Activities that Portfolio Management needs to coordinate with to achieve Strategic Objectives
Identify How Portfolio Management can
Portfolio Management Governance
The Principles upon which Effective Portfolio Management is Based
Governance Alignment
Strategy Alignment
Portfolio Office
Energised Change Culture
Day Eight: Portfolio Definition Cycle
Terms & Concepts relating to The Portfolio Definition Cycle
Three-point Estimating and Reference Class Forecasting
What is involved and The Keys to Success
Portfolio Risk Management
Portfolio Risk Management Process
An Enterprise View of Risk & Governance
Risk Drivers & Metrics
Portfolio Delivery Cycle
Portfolio Delivery Practices
Tried and Tested Techniques for Delivery Practice
What is involved, The Main Elements, and Keys to Success
Day Nine: Roles and Documentation
Purposes and Responsibilities of The Main Portfolio Management Roles Identified in MoP
Purposes of the Main Portfolio Management Documentation
Portfolio Risk & Return
Return Measures
Risk Characteristics
Applying the Portfolio Definition Cycle
Apply and Tailor Practices and Techniques of The Portfolio Definition Cycle to A Scenario
Identify Appropriate Practices and Techniques within The Portfolio Definition Cycle
Identify, Analyse and Distinguish between Appropriate and Inappropriate Application of Portfolio Definition Practices and Techniques to A Scenario
Day Ten: Portfolio Delivery Cycle Presentation
Apply and Tailor The Practices, Techniques and Responsibilities of The Portfolio Delivery Cycle to A Scenario
Identify Appropriate Practices and Techniques within The Portfolio Delivery Cycle
Identify, Analyse and Distinguish between Appropriate and Inappropriate Application of Portfolio Delivery Practices to A Scenario
Analyse whether The Approaches Adopted are appropriate, with reasons, in a given scenario
Analyse whether The Portfolio Documentation is fit for purpose, with reason